Poems by Jackie

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  • Life is Love. Love is painful. Yet suicide is...
    I wish there was another way...

  • When he took my hand,
    I looked him in the eye...

  • The color of your eyes,
    The curve of your smile...

  • Sometimes I'm very happy,
    Other times I wish I were dead...

  • Why did it end like this?
    Wasnt it supposed to work...

  • Still to this day
    You hold the key to my heart...

  • My throat is sore, my eyes are swollen
    and I cannot speak...

  • Ts not gonna be easy
    To say the things I'm about to say...

  • Keisha was a young girl
    Going through more pain each day...

  • Every night I lay in bed
    and think of how you are...

  • I start to think
    But choose to die...

  • Its like I'm dying
    Slipping, slowly fading away...