Something I love to see is your smile,
It brightens my world, when it seems all gray...
Love is more than a mere four letter word,
It can be received, given, and broken...
God has given us many beauties of wonder--
The sun, the rain, the snow, and thunder...
Boy meets girl, their both nervous about the first...
They greet, they laugh, and neither can help but...
I know you might miss me, but I don't care,
To ask for another chance, oh you wouldn't dare...
I will be here,
When the nights seem to be so long...
Perfection as the world sees it,
Its lots of money and a glamorous body, that not...
You are my everything,
On cloudy days you give me a song to sing...
I've drifted from You, but now I'm back,
Being close and knowing You is something I do not...
On September 11, 2001, terrorists attacked our...
We lost many lives and we were told not to fret...
Why is it that no one bothers to listen to the...
We have trouble telling the truth,but speak random...
This poem is dedicated to my Grandmother, Carol...
I'll never forget the day when we last said...