Maybe it's a cliche, |
I'd rAthEr hUrt mYsElf bY hIdIng frOm lOvE, thEn gEt hUrt bY lOvInG yOu. |
If TeArDrOpS wOuLd BuIlD a StAiRwElL, |
IF tEaRs CoUlD bUiLd A sTaIrWeLl, |
HaVe YoU eVeR lOoKeD aT sOmEoNe, AnD tHoUgHt ThEy WeRe EvErYtHiNg YoU nEvEr KnEw YoU wAnTeD?? |
IF eVeRyThInG cAmE eAsY, tHeN wOuLd We HaVe To FiGhT fOr WhAt We WaNt? |
I can nEvEr forgivE mysElf for lEtting go of your lovE, whEn you rEally lovEd mE back, and now it's to latE ExcEpt say to mysElf, what could'vE bEEn. |
If nothing is coincidEnt, thEn thErE must bE a rEason why you'rE in my lifE, right? |
If YoU wAnNa SeE tHe RaINbOw, |
LOvE kNoWs No MeAnIngS, |