Quotes by Yours Truly xO

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  • If pain makes your heart race,
    we share similar views.
    if almost dying makes you feel alive,
    we are the same.
    if your body quakes at the touches of evil,
    you may be lonely, but you're not alone.

    12 years ago
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  • Am I ready for this?
    I wanna leave before I get hurt.
    I wanna stay but I'm just not sure
    that I can.
    I don't think I deserve to be with him

    12 years ago
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  • Is it scary or is it not, giving your all to someone you only just met in the couple of years before. Is it strange or it is not, that you could fall madly in love with someone who was only a complete stranger in the couple of years before.

    10 years ago
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  • Time will only tell how much more I fall in love with you. Is it strange that I think of you while I'm living? Every moment, of every day. Every breath that reminds me I'm still alive on this earth, reminds me that I'm in love with you.

    10 years ago
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  • Its hard to tell someone you love them. To let them know they have every piece of you in them. It make you vulnerable, it leave you open. Perhaps that's why we tend to run away. Too afraid to get broken, so we break ourselves instead.

    10 years ago
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  • We all attempt to find love in places we shouldn't be looking. Like at the club with a man with a tan mark on his left ring finger, or at a party where you can't remember anything the next morning.

    10 years ago
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  • It's amazing the kind of power love can have over you. Its just a four letter word yet it can cause you to crash and burn. Make a grown man cry, make the devil look like an angel in ones eye.

    11 years ago
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  • Mirror mirror on the wall,
    whose the most broken of them all?
    must be the girl whose heart is dying,
    or possibly the girl that's died while trying.

    12 years ago
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  • Forgiving someone doesn't make you weak
    hatred does nothing but harden your heart
    & leave no room for love.

    12 years ago
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  • Tears will keep my ears company tonight.
    the worst feeling in the world is feeling like the love you thought you had is a lie.

    12 years ago
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