Poems by kelly

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  • I want to hold onto this last memory of you
    because that's all i have left...

  • *This is probably the most personal poem I have...
    When I had the chance to be with you...

  • I lie Broken on my bed,
    With Nothing else to say...

  • How did I end up here?
    In this barren wasteland, with no signs of escape...

  • .wait. (1)

    Tears of regret fall from my sore eyes
    and they splat quietly on my notebook...

  • I still cry about the way you're gone.
    Even now, my tears are soaking the...

  • I hate every memory of you
    And you know why it's so true...

  • You used to be so close to me
    But now you're so far away...

  • Pitter, Patter,
    What's the matter...

  • One day I was looking at old photos,
    While I was walking down the lonely boulevard...

  • I lie on the floor
    in a little ball...

  • When we buried you in the ground
    I didn't make a sound...