To Love is to see that person more clearer then anyone else.
To be Loved is to let that person see you.
18 years ago
Bush is retarded.
17 years ago
Dude: Knock, knock.
Blonde Chick: Who's there?
Dude: Nobody.
Blonde Chick: Nobody who?
Dude: ...
Blonde Chick: Nobody who?!
Dude: ...
Blonde Chick: Where did you go?!?!
17 years ago
Monkeyman: I can't believe you ate a baby.
fat guy: I was hungry.
monkeyman: well, that's just cause you're a fat ho.
fat guy: well, you're still a monkey.
17 years ago
Will skate for food.
17 years ago
Words only hurt if you let them.
17 years ago
Life isn't about pissin off people who make fun of you, makin wars, makin stupid desicions that you'll never learn from and hate.
Life is about understandin people who reject you, makin babies, makin mistakes that you'll learn from, and love.
18 years ago
My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-b!+ch.
--Jack Nicholson
18 years ago
Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night.
--Rodney Dangerfield
18 years ago
You know "that look" women get when they want sex?