
About bUtIfLdIsAsTr

Well, there is not much to know about me, but I will tell a bit about my poetry background and likes and dislikes...you know, the usual. Anyways...;the poetry I write is not usually read, by anyone. In fact, I highly doubt anyone other than my 1 best friend knows that I write poetry, or that I would even be mildly interested in it. When rather, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Emily D., Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Frost, and many other poets. I find my self infatuated with dark poems or poems from mysterious and sometimes questionable poets. And although that interests me, I find myself writing poems about lost love and love that seems to linger just outside of my reach. I do not really understand why, but I do welcome it and understand that I cannot force feelings to lay themselves upon paper if they do not truly exist in the first place. Anyways, I am dragging on and on, and so I must leave you with a final quote that I find myself recognizing in my everyday life. It goes: If something comes from your heart, do not be ashamed of it, no matter what others may think or believe. Instead, use their words against them in finding a deeper strength that will guide you through all that is challenging in your life.

Profile of bUtIfLdIsAsTr

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Pennsylvania
  • Joined : Dec 27, 2006
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 9
  • Comments : 2
  • Quotes : 2
  • Posts : 14
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By bUtIfLdIsAsTr

  • I couldn't explain the way I felt
    You never understood that about me...

  • I am a failure
    There is no other way to describe how i feel...

  • I know you don't do it on purpose
    Just make up your mind, me...or her...

  • Tears, long-since cried, still stain my...
    My heart, with its relentless beating, pounds on...

  • You torture me everyday with the sweet things you...
    They just can't be true; it's so unlike you...

Latest Quotes By bUtIfLdIsAsTr

  • If something comes from your heart, do not be ashamed of it, no matter what others may think or believe. Instead, use their words against them in finding a deeper strength that will guide you through all that is challenging in your life.

    18 years ago
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  • Ignorance is definitely bliss! Well, until you open your eyes, that is.

    18 years ago
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