Quotes by Dance Girlie

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  • Guy: i love you.

    gal: i love you too.

    guy: hugs and kisses.

    gal: *mwah*

    guy: *mwah* goodnight sweetie.

    gal: g'night.

    17 years ago
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  • Why is it that when i finally find someone i feel will be good for me, something stops me from continuing anything with that person?

    17 years ago
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  • A dozen roses- $32
    Dinner for two- $57
    Hotel room at the Hilton- $320
    The look on his face when she says she's on her period- PRICELESS

    17 years ago
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  • New poem: "Tell Me (Maybe)"
    Would be awesome if you checked it out, I'll return any favors =]

    17 years ago
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  • Boy: Do you realize how much I love you?
    Girl: I think so..
    Boy: Well, then you don't; because I love you to a degree no one could understand.

    17 years ago
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