We're honest,
We lie,
We laugh,
We cry,
Is the only way to live,
Is to die?
To cherish life truly,
Is to face death's eye?
To face a fear,
Is to overcome it.
17 years ago
Love and hate,
Suicide and fate,
One life to give,
Always another to take.
17 years ago
To love,
You must know hatred,
To laugh,
You must have cried,
To lie,
You must have told the truth,
To touch,
You would have had to see,
To learn,
You must listen,
To die,
You must live.
17 years ago
The things in life we cannot see or touch, are always more real then feeling.
17 years ago
To conquer Fear,
you must be endless,
To conquer Death,
you must be Fearless.