My hands,
are in fist formed of hate...
Evil thoughts run through my mind,
tears just dripping down my face...
Mom hears what is happening in the other room,
she hears her daughters scream...
My heart was empty of love but filled with hate,
hating life...
Here is this girl,
shorter then the rest...
I know you are tired of hearing about him,
but there is so much to say...
Scars across my body,
bruised heart filled with hurt...
You have been there for me all though my life,
and now that i see you week and frail...
You see your worst enemy,
walking all alone...
I don't why i am alone,
yet i have so many friends and family...
Death By Both
She loved him...
Hate and pain thatâ??s what iI'mfull...
In my life there is no love...