Why do i let you
do this to me...
*this poem is dedicated to my x-boyfriend Brandon...
I heard about all your party's and the drinking...
You have a pull on my heart
no matter how far you are...
I'm not trying to be stubborn,
or just pick a stupid little fight...
My name is Nathan.
I like to eat food...
I know you hurt me
even though you said you never would...
This is something that was writen to me by one of...
Not a day goes by...
Someone out there...
was meant to be the love of your life...
This seems to be a complex and intricately fragile...
What occurs when your heart is vastly mistaken but...
Your arms wrap securely around me,
in a protective but seductive fashion...
So i have known you for a while
we have had time to get to know each other...
You always play
from the sidelines...