The confederate fores massed at Gettysburg's...
two days the rebus were pushed back, the forests...
Today we honor in my opinion more than two...
we honor all forty-three commander-in-chief...
This is my time, be prepared for my rising
the time is over when everyone is sighing...
Sit down and let a real man lead the others
you ain't no leader, no brother among brothers...
I'm sick of all drama, built around fireworks...
didn't you know it was revolution that gave us...
This country was laid down with freedom on the...
ever since this world began, man killed man, since...
Here in a minute, gone in a flash
appearing just as quick in heaven's mash...
4th of July, our nation's birthday date
but now a sale of fireworks bate...
I'm sick and tired of your attitude
same poems no matter the longitude or latitude...
He stood for liberty, atlas of independence
he dared to break past precedence...
When you feel the urge to leave the big city blues
feel free to enter a small town, for a good cafe...
I call myself servant because i live to serve
i boldly label myself serve, I've got alot of...