I never thought this night could be so dark
where once was flame, not even a spark...
A veritable cauldron of didn't identities
lawyers, doctors, people with infirmities...
"Hello Sidney"
played throughout the scenes of horror movie lore...
This sword, fought over for years
it's led to war, suffering and tears...
Young hero, thrust himself into light
he'll take on evil for Prydain's fight...
The Boy
he went solo for most of his life...
America is crumbling don't you see?
filled with laws we're no longer free...
I feel so fruitless in this worry tossed world
where hate, war, and misery are swirled...
I'm sick of all this garbage you deal!
do this, do that, it's a repeating wheel...
When Josh died everyone cried
will i be the same, or be denied...
Darkness descends, no moon to reveal our raid
we know what's going to happen, orders made...
The capital, a dark foreboding cityscape
no love, just a coldness to illuminate...