::dedicated to all fakers::
the word love is used too loosely...
So close i can reach it
my goal i can't just sit...
An executioner stands ready for the command
an answer to a question the king does demand...
I'm sick of all drama, built around fireworks...
didn't you know it was revolution that gave us...
It cannot be
i cannot see...
Someday we will reach that golden shore
when we reach there our hearts will soar...
Once was boring, takes on a new sharp edge
my life begins now, taken out of my wedge...
After a long day his desk is now clean
bills, and proposals are all he's seen...
"Hello Sidney"
played throughout the scenes of horror movie lore...
You complain so much about life
why don't you just take up strife...
I never thought this night could be so dark
where once was flame, not even a spark...
Darkness descends, no moon to reveal our raid
we know what's going to happen, orders made...