Quotes by Jade Shadow Rose

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  • Don't worry about things you cannot control, for if we try to worry about everything we go insane. To keep our sanity, we must focus only on what's infront of us and try our hardest to make the best of it.

    18 years ago
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  • Eat healthy.
    Stay fit.
    Die anyway.... ^_^

    18 years ago
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  • Although the thought of insanity is intimidating, reality makes it appealing. Besides, once in my own little world I'LL be president and my reign of fire of terror as supreme overlord will finally begin!!!! ^_^

    18 years ago
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  • Forgotten and shunned,
    So forgiving, but hated.
    So kind, but feared.
    Her love, with it's blessed touch.
    Touched my heart,
    Merely to shatter it.....

    18 years ago
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  • You dance, because I tell you to.
    In my dark paradise, you are chained.
    Struggle, it taunts me.
    I want it more, until you faint.
    Drip the blood you long to spill.
    Give in to me, into your desires,
    For that is all I am.

    18 years ago
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  • I look at my shattered love,
    Trying to pick up the parts,
    But as I go along I tear,
    On all the broken hearts.

    17 years ago
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  • As though I could turn the other cheek, as you mouth the words you aren't ready to speak. Your afraid of me, odd, that we didn't have a clue, that I'd become so much stronger then you.
    (THIS SONG PWNS! Paid in full - Sonata Arctica)

    17 years ago
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  • Skipping along the last frail rocks,
    Picking my way through the last of the locks,
    Exciting the passion locked deep inside,
    Unlocking her heart, where my love resides.

    17 years ago
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  • I don't hate you all, just you, you, you, ummm.....you, you, you, you and you. And don't forget you. *points to everyone*

    17 years ago
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  • Beauty to the eyes, the tongue, the ears, the touch or scent, to the mind is subjective. But to the soul, beauty is absolute, and cannot be dulled by action or opinion. Cannot be swayed into doubt, and cannot faulter under stress.

    17 years ago
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