Youve become a part of me.
our hearts have blended into one...
So i saw your picture the other day.
&& it got me thinking about our old way...
We've got people with guns
We've got people with knives...
Baby I love ya
baby i need ya...
Baby I love ya
baby i need ya...
So we\'ll walk on baby && ignore it all.
Trying so hard not to fall...
Theres something about you, that just drives me...
I can't quiet figure out just what has gotten over...
Your sitting there all by yourself hurting and...
and your eyes fill up and you can barley see...
There is so many things i would like to say.
But i know i wont get to them all in one day...
Dear God,
I never really understood why you made me so sick...
Days pass into weeks, weeks pass into months, and...
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever; The...
Leighlan James Brown is the one i love
He must be sent from up above...