If I had everything in the world I know for sure I...
I wake up at 5 am in the morning and my very first...
I don't know why & I don't know how you came...
When we met we never thought we\' d be the bestest...
Do you know how hard it is to find love in this...
I mean the real love...
*Do friends really have to tell each other...
*I mean if they don't would that ruin their...
Don't you ever wonder what is a best friend? I do...
YOuR lOvE iS tHe gReAtEsT tHiNg In My LiFe.
YoUr LoVe HaS mE hOpInG yOu ChOoSe Me As YoUr...
Your love is the greatest thing in my life.
Your love is what makes me want to be your wife...