Is it him? 0r is it just m3? |
Th3 spac3s b33tw33n y0ur fing3rs w3r3 cr3at3d s0 that an0ther's c0uld fill th3m in. |
H3's 0nly a fri3nd, and n0thing 3ls3. |
Th3 w0rst f33ling y0u'll 3v3r f33l is wh3n y0ur sitting n3xt t0 th3 p3rs0n wh0 m3ans th3 3v3rything t0 y0u, kn0wing that y0u m3an n0thing t0 th3m. |
If th3r3s was 0n3 wish I had. It w0uld b3, y0u l0ving m3. |
All I want3d t0 d0 is l0v3 y0u. |
All I want3d t0 b3 is 'l0v3d' by y0u. |
I was s0 stupid thats mayb3 f0r 0n3 minut3, that you car3d ab0ut m3. |
L0v3 n3v3r want3d m3, but I still t00k it. |
N3v3r l0v3 a b3st fri3nd |