Your frigid indifference, shattered our already...
Yesterday there was hope, but tomorrow its too...
When did life as I know it cease to even exist.
A question that I wonder, as I sit to reminisce...
Searing pains accost my weary mind.
Head dizzy with illness, thoughts foggy at times...
For a moment in time we were all that...
Long ago in a field by a old apple tree, was a...
My love for you runs deeper than
I could ever say...
Our moon swept patio lit in dusky night.
Your dreamy silhouette beautiful in dimming light...
Trapped in lonesome desolation
Held captive in my mind...
The storm of the Century such a odd occurrence.
Deathly blizzard was such a powerful disturbance...
Product of my enclosure fueled by societies rage.
Inhumanly left to rot in my iron cage...
Traveler of a well worn path with bad decisions...
Whiskey never helped although I drank enough to...
Land of demonic desolation.
Black winds hollow call...
A small and simple word
With the meaning of the sun...