Powerless, terrorized and nauseated by demonic...
Weakening, vile smells of evil continually drawing...
Scarlet leaves encircle my ever winding path.
Breezes threaten to cover with every draft...
When did life as I know it cease to even exist.
A question that I wonder, as I sit to reminisce...
There was once a time, before my innocence was...
Love was unknown to me, I searched at any cost...
The storm of the Century such a odd occurrence.
Deathly blizzard was such a powerful disturbance...
Shattered dreams caused
By Satan's pernicious acts...
Cast-off and forged in darkness, encased in solid...
Mind numbing cold erases, memories stranded all...
Slowly and progressively our minds waste away.
Deteriorating to a point where we forget the day...
Passion Consumes me
Emit fire from my eyes...
Rivers shall boil over, bubble and run with blood.
Birds fall from the sky, buried in darkening mud...
Lost procurement of my soul now owned soundly by...
Accommodating its sadistic thoughts, obtained by...
Product of my enclosure fueled by societies rage.
Inhumanly left to rot in my iron cage...