Fergie once said big girls don't cry
But I'm living proof that's a lie...
The faces in the pictures are slowly changing
Just like my life that's slowly rearranging...
Dear lord, i have sinned again
When temptation passes I always give in...
The phone rings she knows
He's drunk again...
You play with my emotions like a video game.
But for my heart aches i have myself to blame...
As I stare out the window and concentrate to long
The bars slowly disappear from where they all...
It's happening again everything just went dark
i feel my heart pumping hard from being startled...
Building up inside my mind
Thoughts of you that are unkind...
This Earth is Like hell
So take my life i might as well...
Our love not welcomed
Our hearts forced to hide...
I thought I had love all figured out
I thought any thing there was to know...
I need you in my life
To make things right...