Quotes by [[ x ]] *KeRrii.

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  • & iit sucks that you took something from me that ii can never get back, but ii still keep your picture on my phone, and look at iit everyday, hopiing that one day you'll be miine, someday you'll be miine . <3

    17 years ago
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  • I bet she's B E A U T ii F U L;
    that g ii r l he talks about.
    And she's got e v e r y t h ii n g
    that ii have to liive WITHOUT. <3

    Tear drops on my guitar;; Taylor Swift<3

    Favv Song =))

    17 years ago
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  • I just want the PERFECT GUY for m e, who t h i n k s I'm the perfect girl for H I M. <33

    17 years ago
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  • - he always had a way of making her come back. he could push all her buttons until she cracked and then all he had to do was say, " hey baby, you know i don't mean it" and he had her wrapped around his finger . x | 3

    17 years ago
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  • You say i'll NEVER find anyone like you. really? i'm never going to find another h o r n y, lying, HEART b r e a k i n g teenage boy? well, don't worry. i don't want one of those A N Y W A Y S .


    17 years ago
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  • Don't expect more than someone can give, and don't analyze. smile when they make you HAPPY, yell when they make you MAD, & miss them when they're not there... x3

    17 years ago
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  • I've never feel so hard for someone in such a s h o r t period of time, and even thought i PROMISED MYSELF i wouldn't risk the chance of getting h u r t again for some reason when i'm with you, it all seems W O R T H I T . <33

    17 years ago
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  • There's always gonna be that one thing you wish for but never get, that one mistake you can never take back & most of all that one memory you would do anythingfor just to have again.

    17 years ago
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  • You're nothing that you seem. i'm drowning in your vanity. your laugh is a disease. you're dirty and you're sweet. you're everything to me. <3

    17 years ago
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  • & i woke up this morning, and the feeling overwhelmed me. i n e v e r knew i could miss you this MUCH.

    18 years ago
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