Quotes by [[ x ]] *KeRrii.

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  • Sometimes there are things that are worth the risk & when you find them e v e r y t h i n g else in the world doesn't matter. *

    18 years ago
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  • Life is about LIVING&DIEING. &AllTheMistakesI n b e t w e e n. *

    18 years ago
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  • & i'm so glad that i've found you. i'll do whatever it takes to hold onto you & never let you out of my sight. through the good&bad times. i'll stick byy your s i d e. -xx

    18 years ago
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  • It' s [h a r d] to have a proper conversation with you;; because your usually too busy t a k i n g my breath AWAY. --

    18 years ago
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  • It' s better to ALWAYS be g l o w i n g, rather then a l w a y z be upset about SMALL things.

    18 years ago
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  • He C o m p l e t l e y & Absouletley STOLE Myy Heart A w a y, But I NEVER Really Told Him T h a t He Means The W o r l d To ME. *

    18 years ago
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  • E v e r y t i m e I Look Into Your DEEP Brown Eyez, I Tend To Loose MY B r e a t h e. & E v e r y t i m e We Touch, I Feel On Top Of The WORLD. * x0

    18 years ago
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  • He has the cutest smile & the most gorgeous smile. That brightens your day everytime you see it. & the most irrestible eyez, that maake it hard to ever look away. He's Soo Amazing&Irrestible. *

    18 years ago
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  • & i woke up this morning, and the feeling overwhelmed me. i n e v e r knew i could miss you this MUCH.

    18 years ago
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  • You're nothing that you seem. i'm drowning in your vanity. your laugh is a disease. you're dirty and you're sweet. you're everything to me. <3

    17 years ago
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