Written by AndreaSunny and Greenie
Darling angels here thy call...
Roots firmly planted in life
Limbs wired and molded...
Damaging words spat from forked tongue
Mind battered and weakened; head hung...
There are so many things that
I want to say on how you make me feel...
So tender and strong a womans heart
Something she gives only to the deserving...
Filled with dark emotions
Of what I left behind...
Barren branches sway in winters breeze
Creaky expressions loosing leaves...
Mother Earth bears seasons of four
Cycles required for her to restore...
Bagpipes reverberate across the meadow
Radiant sun captures dawns essence...
Remembering when we first started
Souls following a path already charted...
Group Collaboration
"Moon Dreamers"...
Morning Birds (Haiku)
By Ohgreenman...