My grand daddy, he picked the cotton. Yes, he...
He picked the cotton just to live on the land that...
All the ground that's brown was thick with briars...
Murdering Mother Nature one tree at a time.
I'll shape the earth as I see fit...
Insane Room
The walls laugh at you...
Eyes of glue
Sticky shoe...
I'm worried about today
The breaking point is near...
I'm trying to do my best and give it everything...
And give it everything I've got...
My skrelbow is frontside of my elbow.
It bends and helps me do many things...
Pacifism rolling through my veins
Branded a weak man...
My dark side is rolling through the hard times.
Trying to walk a straight line, feeling like a...
Lost in Oklahoma
Traveling to feed my family...
I don't know the value of a man until he dies
Inner pride...