Well about me? Im not really sure of alot of things about me. There is so much but since this is a poetry website i will only put the things that have driven me to poetry. I love to write poetry because there is so many things that I would much rather put in words on paper than to talk about them. Sometime I wonder if people really understand me and I feel I can express my self better in words on poems than to a person. If you have any advice on how I can improve my poems comment me and let me know becuase I would really like to be able for other people to read them too. Thank you and im looking forward to hearing from you! |
You knew that I loved you
You knew that you could use those three words...
Lets go and walk on a beach...
A beach where we dont worry...
You knew that I loved you
You knew that you could use those three words...
Crying, Scared
Wondering where to go...
Are we really ready?
For this thing that is called love...
Protect my heart, keep it from the pain. Replace...