Quotes by Jack Nightengale

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  • They say the boy that cried wolf was eaten by the wolves but in truth, he became the leader of the wolves and slaughtered the village and burned it to the ground for not listening paying attention when he was calling himself a wolf

    12 years ago
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  • My eternal rest, forever shall I sleep
    Crimson tears are what I now cry
    I guess there really is no time to let the blood dry
    These wounds are just too deep

    12 years ago
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  • The living make walk and feel but, when their still beating hearts are ripped from there chest, is when they know what life is like only then they will be dead and understand the true meaning of life!

    12 years ago
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  • Why is it that a person is cold when they die?
    Is it because they are alone?

    Is that the reason why this world, this life is cold, because, it's lonely?

    12 years ago
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  • The worst thing about surgery is waking up to find that you're still alive and the one that you love and care for doesn't give two cents...

    12 years ago
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  • I'm nothing more than a mistake, waiting to be erased off this piece of paper for good.
    Everything I touch I destroy, so now I just leave.

    12 years ago
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  • I've been searching for something for so long and just when I thought I found what I'd been searching for, I find out that there was nothing there... Forever isn't as long as I thought it was...

    12 years ago
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  • I got these names tattooed on my wrist...
    Now I have to cut them out!

    12 years ago
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  • I thought I could be an Angel but, I was wrong.
    I thought it was forever but, I was wrong.
    I thought I was yours and you were mine but, I was wrong.
    I said that I would die.... I was right!
    Goodnight heart that was but will be no more!

    12 years ago
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  • "Never good enough, forever going to be alone, now... Dying alone!"

    12 years ago
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