
About WhiTneY

Wow... I love pretty much any sports movie.. I love sad romance movies.. ya know.. things u can cuddle up and watch with some one you care about... I'm random. && I will annoy you at some point. I pick the wrong friends most of the time. But the good ones that I have, I love ALOT. I love different genre's of music. && I listen to whatever genre depending on my moods. Usually I look up random bands, or ask people for random bands. The computer gets boring to me, most of the time. I can be very mature, but then somedays I can act like a 3 year old. I love meeting new people. I can come off as a snob, but only if you don't take into consideration of what you may be to me. On the other hand, I can come off as the nicest person in the world. I honestly suck at relationships I LIKE TO HANG OUT WITH MY FRIENDS,GO TO THE LAKE AND RIDE FAST THINGS AND BE CRAZY, RIDE HORSES, 4WHEELERS, ROLLER COASTERS--ONE DAY IMA GO SKY DIVING-- I LIKE TO SHOP, TALK ON THE FONE/COMPUTER, TEXT, CHILL OUTSIDE-I HATE BEING INSIDE ALL THE TIME....AND YEA...A WHOLE BUTT-LOAD MORE, BUT I DONT FEEL LIKE LISTING IT ALL ...

Here are some things about the one and only

... M3!!!

Name: Whitney age: 16

My Favorite:

Person: Megz and my soon to be boyfriend... Cody

Song: Better than me- Hinder

Quote: Proverbs 24:26-���¢�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.���¢�¯�¿�½�¯�¿�½

Sport: Basketball

Past-time activity:
1. Txting
2. Talking
3. Daydreaming about someone

Email addys-

Well I appreciate all the votes. Keep em comin. If you ever need advise, I am here. From homework help to dating, or from health to religion, or whatever! Hit me up! I Love helping people.
Well bye ya'll!!!!

Profile of WhiTneY

  • Age : 16
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Oklahoma
  • Joined : Feb 5, 2007
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 1
  • Comments : 6
  • Quotes : 11
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By WhiTneY

  • Letting You Go
    I know not what to say, and where to place my...

Latest Quotes By WhiTneY

  • Whoever said may the best man win... Has evidently never asked a girl to play!

    Basketball is a girls sport! So get over it!

    17 years ago
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  • I blamed it on you, but i broke my own heart.

    18 years ago
    0 0
  • Just because I wear a ribbon in my hair and knee pads, doesn't mean I couldn't school you!

    18 years ago
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