Chris aka Reaper

About Chris aka Reaper

I'm a pro MMA fighter and proud owner of Fight Team Figueroa if I'm not training getting ready for a upcoming fight or preparing one of my fighters for their upcoming fight...I'm skating at the skatepark or a spot on the streets..I love to thrash just something about a plank of wood flipping under your feet while your in the air or even on a rail just feels so right :)
I love lifes mysteries it has to offer
It's peaceful and mysterious to my eye
I'm a Taoist plus I'm spiritual more then anything...very open minded :)
I try to live life to the fullest with every heart beat I take with my head always held high as possible,things happens in life,things tries bringing you down but since I'm a fighter at heart, mentally and literally I am very stubborn without any will to give up, the fight may be hard whether it's my opponent or some type of obstacle in my path but guess what...IDGAF...
Hate vs. Love

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Profile of Chris aka Reaper

  • Age : 33
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, California
  • Joined : Feb 13, 2007
  • Last Visit : 2 months ago
  • Poems : 192
  • Comments : 14
  • Quotes : 16
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Chris aka Reaper

  • As time passes I'll sit and think of you,waiting...
    You are with me till the end of days,with me even...

  • My love is uncontrollably intense to a point that...
    Girl please understand that all I wanna do is hold...

  • Baby girl I want to see into your eyes I want to...
    Baby I need you to understand this life is chaotic...

  • Verse 1-
    Escucheme por favor,por orita yo piensa su es muy...

  • Balance (2) 1

    All these hatred thoughts with peace in my...
    My whole life has been cursed since the day I came...

Latest Quotes By Chris aka Reaper

  • Why is it that people can't say what's really on their minds,is it that much trouble to say what reality truly is;
    Open your eyes to a brand new,a place that has no wrongs.....

    Only truth!

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • It is not a game,nor is it a joke
    It's life and death,two serious subjects;
    Gotta make the fame,lungs filled with smoke
    Its life and death,alwaysliving it to the fullest!

    14 years ago
    0 0
  • I'll give you the world
    I'll give you my love
    I'll treat you right,
    If you are truly my girl
    I'll call you my beautiful dove
    I'll hold you through the night
    I'll give you everything I am
    if you only be with me <3

    15 years ago
    0 0

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