Never make any one your everything because simply when they are gone you are NOTHING.. |
Never trust that heart that says i trust you .. |
Do not let what you do define who you are .. |
Do not break someone's heart when you can't fix.. |
Do not say something unless you mean it and do not say I love you unless you can truly feel it .. |
Be pleased in what you have in your hands, before it goes away and you start to say .. I WISH I HAD.. |
Trust no one, even close people.. the only one you can trust is your self...ONLY.. |
If something is infront of you, it doesn't mean it's reachable by you!! |
Missing someone is not the problem but learning how not to miss them is the real problem.. |
Life is not just seeking for the right path, but it is trying to stick to it as much as you can.. |