Quotes by Beauty In The Breaking

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  • These scars I wear proudly,
    I don't try to hide them anymore,
    they show that I'm a survivor
    and that I'm strong enough to face today.

    15 years ago
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  • I don't know how to tell you goodbye,
    I don't want to let you go
    but I know that I must
    so I won't let you see me cry,
    I'll hug you tightly one last time,
    I won't say goodbye though, that hurts to much
    so farewell my friend till I see you again

    15 years ago
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  • *Splash* Another tear slides down a cheek and disappears, and with each tear that slips silently unseen down a cheek either a life can be saved or be destroyed, the choice is each of ours

    16 years ago
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  • Life happens, plans change, people say things that hurt, but if we all gave up when things get hard and life makes us cry then nothing will ever change and we'll never know what might have happened if we'd kept going and given it a chance

    16 years ago
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  • When you trip on the rocks of life that are on your path and you fall to the ground crying and ready to give up...take a deep breath, get up and keep going, giving up only proves the world right

    16 years ago
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  • No one ever said that life would be easy or that the path wouldn't make you cry, when you trip and it hurts and your tired of fighting and tired of all the tears, keep going, the best may still be ahead

    16 years ago
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  • Life throws disappointments, it hurts and makes you cry, can feel like a knife in the heart, but wipe your tears, hold your head high and keep going, your strong enough to face it

    16 years ago
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  • The difficult bumps in life, the ones that hurt the most, are the ones that help you sort out whats truly important to you

    16 years ago
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  • Hold on to the hope that the person your meant for is real and looking for you too, believe me, you'll know when you find him :)

    17 years ago
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  • Happiness keeps You Sweet,
    Trials keep You Strong,
    Sorrows keep You Human,
    Failures keep You Humble,
    Success keeps You Glowing,
    But Only Friends keep You Going!

    *An old phrase *not mine* but very true =)*

    17 years ago
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