Quotes by Remmi

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  • "Nothing can break a friendship that is meant to last for eternity. Not guys, not school, not your parents or anybody else. Not time not even moving away. If you believe that, no true friendship will end."

    18 years ago
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  • Believe that you can do anything. Believe in yourself, and in others around you. Believe that if you never give up, you can acomplish the impossible. Believe in that, and anything can be.

    18 years ago
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  • A room without books is like a body without a soul.

    *I got this quote off a bookmark*

    18 years ago
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  • When you have decided what you believe, what you feel must be done, have the courage to stand alone and be counted.

    *Eleanor Roosevelt*

    17 years ago
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  • If Tylenal, duck tape, or a band aid can't fix it...you got a serious problem

    haha this is so true :D

    17 years ago
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  • Aggressive fighting for the right is the nobelest sport the world affords.

    *Theodor Roosevelt*

    i think of my brother when i see this quote

    17 years ago
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  • Complaining about life will not fix it. Do something about it!

    17 years ago
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  • Nobody is perfect. If we were all perfect, we would believe in the same things, look the same, and say the same things. Lets face it, a world of perfection is no world at all.

    17 years ago
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  • If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain first.

    *Dolly Parton*

    17 years ago
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  • The naked truth is always better than the best dressed lie.

    *Ann Landers*

    17 years ago
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