Poems by Startle Me

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  • Blood veins and locked chains
    The things you will have to cross...

  • The man uses his hawk-like eyes
    Stalking, hunting for his prey...

  • Her smiles, picture perfect
    Her looks, innocent, pure...

  • Princess walking down the isle,
    Inherited queen's beauty's galore...

  • Weight she carries on her chest,
    Within her thighs and legs as well...

  • True love, I never did understand
    That was until our song was heard...

  • Woman takes hold of her gorgeous baby,
    Proud to be a mother of a newborn child...

  • An elderly walks with his lovely cane,
    Following into nature's engaging smell...

  • The woman sits quietly at the table,
    Looking at the girl across in shame...

  • O dear heart, what is love?
    Is it something to see? Feel...

  • Sweet and fulfilling
    Grow older with me...

  • Sadness and depression
    How cliched can you be...