What Happened to the days when you looked my way?
What happened to the days when you listened to...
When i needed help there was nobody there,
it all seemed like too much to bare...
It's hard to let go of someone so close to you,
it leaves you feeling down and blue...
Her wings once so shining bright, speckled with...
We seemed like the best of friends, the type that...
I love to watch that show, i always hoped time...
What you say only means something if its from the...
[ comments appreciated ] xx...
You were always there when i couldn't cope...
What you say means nothing to me, all your sorries...
But i must admit that I'm mostly to blame, even...
You already know i love you to bits, but what your...
I can't stand the pain of being replaced, you...
There's not gonna be a tomorrow, there's barely...
You can't try and change the past...
I seem to run, but can never hide.
You've always been there for me and stuck by my...