Favorite Poems of Lil Love Angel

  • Venus' scarf (11) 6

    by Mr. Darcy

    Venus floated into the room on a perfumed zephyr...
    Thrust into a breathless storm, this princess...

  • I have to go to the potti! (14)

    by Pink Romance

    I gotta go! I gotta go!
    ill ask the teacher first...

  • Bug (21)

    by Lacie

    Big bug,
    Small bug...

  • See-saw (5)

    by christina

    Mr. See owned a saw.
    And Mr. Soar owned a seesaw...

  • Dream Desires (Collab) (8)

    by Jenni Marie

    **Collab With Mel (SlaveToTheMusic)**
    Eyes staring avidly in amazement...

  • Is it reasonable for parents to be so pathetic...

  • The Geek (135) 1

    by TinyDancer46

    He's the little boy with glasses on
    Wearing the same clothes every week...

  • Say it !! (18)

    by Spitfire

    Say this:
    ICED INK...

  • Thunk (8)

    by Tiffaney

    I thought a thought, but the thought I thought...
    If the thought I thought was the thought I thought...

  • Murder or suicide? (232) 1

    by amelia

    This story that I'm saying,
    it happened & its true...

  • Dad doesn't care (116)

    by IWroteYouAPoemOnMyWrist

    I know this is sorta long, but please read it all...
    please vote and comment as well...

  • If I was in a fairy tale,
    I don't know what I'd do...

  • Everyday of her life
    She walks around...

  • *Some names have been changed to protect the...
    Living in my nightmare...