Quotes by Amberlina

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  • IT's the heart afraid of breaking that never takes a c.h.a.n.c.e. It's the dream afraid of that never learns to dance.It's the O.N.E who wont be broken that cannot seem togive. And the sOuL afraid of DYING that never learns to LIVE.

    17 years ago
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  • If I told you i can't stop thinking about you
    Or that just the thought of you makes me smile
    Or that I get })i({ butterflies })i({ when i hear your name
    And that I want to be held tightly in your arms
    Would you think I'm crazy ?

    17 years ago
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  • It`s the way he makes you feel

    it`s the way that he kisses you

    it`s the way that he makes you fall in love

    17 years ago
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  • I LaUgH-i LuV- i LiVe- i CrY
    aNd SuMtiMez iVe WiShEd DaT i WoULd DiE
    SuM DaYz iM FuNny OtHaZ im NoT
    SuMeTiMeZ iM iN OVaDriVe & i CaNt StOp
    u mAy NoT LiKe Me bUt thaTs oK
    tHiS iS mE aNd HoW i'LL -aLwAyz- sTaY

    17 years ago
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  • My friends always told me
    That you would make me cry
    My friends always told me
    That you would always lie
    My friends always told me
    That I will find some one new
    But my friends never told me
    My heart will always want you

    17 years ago
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  • I dOnT kNoW wHeRe i StAnD WiTh YoU
    I'Ve NeVa MeeT AnYoNe LiKe YoU
    I DuNnO WuT i MeAn To YoU
    Or EvEn WhAt I SeE In YoU
    aLL i KnOw Is EvErYtImE i SeE YoU
    aLL i WaNt iS To Be WiTh YoU-

    17 years ago
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  • Sometimes you meet someone
    and before you know their name,
    before you know where they are from...
    you know that sometime in the future
    this person is going to mean something to you

    17 years ago
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