Today I have concluded one thing
a boys gotta do what a boys gotta do...
(the first letter in each line spell out the...
Life may be lonely but better in the long run...
He loves her, he holds her,
so close and tightly...
Loving you is a waste of my time
and a waste of a descent heart...
All day i've tried
to forget all these things...
Each mothers day we try so hard
to explain how thankful we are...
Looking into his eyes
all she hears is his yelling voice...
The game we played
was hide-and-seek...
For every time he looks past her
a small portion of her heart is lost...
She walks into the darkest room
shadows creeping near...
How did i let him slip away
i thought i'd never see the day...
One question, she asks herself, Was it worth it?
Holding his hand...