I never thought she could have
a colder heart than mine...
Where can it go next
if you are already walking...
Clear the sky of sunshine rays
and let it rain with fire drops...
I can't remember a time where you were there
to share my tears of pain or joy...
What once was a box of memories,
becomes a box of junk...
The shock is instant
as it rushes through my arm...
I am the teabag you so crave,
my brand appealing to your taste buds...
It is never too late to return to yourself
and start fighting back to renovate your life...
My ears turn themselves off to every sound,
yet the words of your voice flutter in...
When I first saw you,
I was a caged songbird...
What if i get into trouble?
or if they find out what I've done...
It's over now
Cant you see...