Quotes by Mandy

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  • The life we've molded is falling quickly apart,
    it's so real but not yet real enough,
    we find ourselves hoping to believe in something else,
    yet we end up hopelessly deceived by ourselves.

    14 years ago
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  • & if today is just a burden,
    & fear complements your voice,
    if today is not worth living,
    then tomorrow is a choice.


    16 years ago
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  • "Our tears outline the tragedies,
    Our smiles cover the pain,
    Although we all look different,
    Somehow we're all the same"

    -mine. please dont steal.

    16 years ago
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  • .[&&]. she smashed the rearview mirror,
    cause as of today, she's never looking back.

    16 years ago
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  • The past may have our memories,
    but i chose to forget,
    its just one more decision,
    i've grown to regret.

    16 years ago
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  • Life in this world
    is ruined by what seems like a giant black hole
    that sucks up all the good moments
    and only spits out broken pieces of your life you wish you still had

    16 years ago
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  • You caused my broken heart.
    You tore my world apart.
    You said your love would last.
    Now it's in the past.

    17 years ago
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  • Never give up if you still wanna try
    Never wipe your tears if you still wanna cry
    Never settle for the answer if you still wanna know
    Never say you don't love him if you can't let go

    17 years ago
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  • Hands Touch. Eyes Meet.
    Sudden Silence. Sudden Heat.
    Hearts leap in a giddy whirl.
    He could be that boy.
    But I'm not that girl.

    17 years ago
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  • --->You're thinking of her
    While I'm thinking of you
    --->You're loving her
    While I'm loving you
    --->You're moving on
    While I'm standing still
    But I would kill to spend
    Just one more day with you.
    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    17 years ago
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