Poems by Kaetaj

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  • I wanna believe
    That you really love me...

  • If only there was peace on earth,
    It would be a better place...

  • Life is a joke and it's made me the fool
    It ponders me so how people can be so cruel...

  • Hey where are you going?
    the traffics a flowing...

  • I'm doing what's right
    just letting you know...

  • No bad deed goes unpunished,
    No good deed goes unrewarded...

  • The color of the sunset
    the color of my heart...

  • Within Peace brings love;
    Love in peace...

  • Love is...
    a shy smile...

  • Now I'm moving on
    but you don't care...

  • How 'bout i give you some advice
    it's like a pinch of sugar and spice...

  • Today I sit in my room
    dark and cold as ice...