THe PeRfect woRDS NeveR cRoSSeD my miND cauSe tHeRe waS NotHiNg iN tHeRe but you... |
I wiSH i waS bLiND So i wouLDN't Have SeeN tHe KiSS tHat toRe my woRLD aPaRt |
TeaRS aRe moRe SPeciaL tHaN SmiLeS.. SmiLeS caN be giveN to aNyoNe but teaRS aRe foR tHe PeRSoN you caN't StaND to LoSe |
I ____ you! wHat couLD tHat be? Love maybe? miSS? SuRe! waNt? yeaH! Hate? NeveR! aaHH, i KNow! HAVE! i Have you.. aND tHat maKeS my Life SPeciaL! |
THeRe aRe oNLy 3 tHiNgS tHat wiLL maKe me HaPPy: |
I SHoweD a PictuRe of mySeLf to you aND SaiD "LooK, it'S tHe botH of uS..." tHeN you aSKeD "wHeRe am i?" |
FRieNDSHiP iS LiKe a gRaDe foR matH... it'S HaRD to ReacH, you woRK foR it, SometimeS you PaSS, SometimeS you faiL... foR ouR fRieNDSHiP, i'm ReaDy to coPy fRom SomeoNe eLSe juSt to get a PaSSiNg gRaDe... |
Love is like smoking.. Even though you know it'll hurt, you still breathe it in.. You tell yourself you'll stop but you just can't.. And when you've had too much, you find it hard to breathe... |
Even if you hurt the person who loves you |
Your own value is determined not by who or what you are but who are what you are able to make out of yourself |