With every word I say honey, I'm not helping your relationship, I'm killing it. But please remember, its for your own good, I know what he's capable of, he will hurt you bad this time, dont let him. |
I've always worked to sabatoge your relationships so I could be with you. This time I did it by finding someone else...and you can't have me. Don't want me...then don't, but don't you DARE sabatoge what I have. |
Our friendship depends on whether or not I'm dating him? Why so that if I am, you can ask me out to tease me? Or so if I'm not you can laugh at me? I still love you, but this, this is ridiculous! |
I just pray that when I broke your heart this once, it didn't hurt nearly as much as the times you broke mine. |
We've tried this before, you broke my heart at the same time I broke yours. But what the hell...lets try this again, and if we crash and burn, at least it'll be together again. |
I smile through my tears so that people will stop asking me if I'm okay. |
I'm afraid that I'll change while your gone and that when you return you'll finally want me. I'm afraid because I don't want to have to admit how shallow you really are, because I love you. And if your that shallow I'll have to let you go. |
I watched you with her today. Baby, I'll admitt it, you seemed so happy. I'm glad someone could make you that happy, since I obviously couldn't. I guess best friends is what we were always meant to be. |
Again with your sh*t...Why didn't you tell me that you were dating her...as you kissed me today? Would have been nice. |
What was it I said to you today? Oh yeah..."I'm not trying to kill myself, it was just a bit of pretty colors, just a bit of pain." What lies, because being with you, is suicide, you cause more pain than any razor. |