
About hellodeathmylove

laid back n in need of a purpose in life.

Profile of hellodeathmylove

  • Age : 19
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Illinois
  • Joined : Apr 25, 2007
  • Last Visit : 17 years ago
  • Poems : 6
  • Comments : 1
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By hellodeathmylove

  • Cold and stiff, my fingers close around the blade
    You pierced my heart, I sliced a vein...

  • Look away you stupid mirror
    Please don't look towards my face...

  • Always sinking drowning dying
    Only hope of life...

  • Cold concrete to my face
    Rough and scouring...

  • My baby...
    ... so alone...