At first I thought Love was just a mirage of the...
Yy iisz iit that iitsz alwaiiz mii fault?
whyy iisz iit that ii alwaiiz take tha fall...
How can ii tell yu, all ii have to say,
How can ii tell yu, ii thiink bout yu each and...
Ii miissss kiisssiing yur sweet tender liipsz
ii miissss juss haviing tuh stare at yu, and all...
Everywhere ii go, everythiing iii do, remiindsz me...
ii misss yu so much, yu were mii fiirst crush...
When ii fiirst met yu, ii never thought yu cud b...
Tha answer soon came to me, wen yu told me tuh...
When ii thiink bout tha tiimesz we shared, ii juss...
ii luved yu wunce ii luv yu styll, ii alwaiiz have...