Quotes by Miss Lonely Teacher

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  • Jealousy befits you
    when it covers you like a shroud.
    your voice becomes so quiet;
    your love becomes so loud.

    12 years ago
    0 0
  • Today i cried,
    today i missed you.
    tomorrow i'll long
    for the day i kiss you.

    12 years ago
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  • They say if you love someone enough, you have to let them go.
    i guess i don't love you enough, because i won't let you go.

    12 years ago
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  • What once was bright
    has turned to gloom
    as i lay dying in my room

    12 years ago
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  • You fight for love; you fight for life.
    you fight for all you think is right.
    but when you fall; when you break,
    who will see the last breath you take?

    12 years ago
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  • Angels Scream
    And Devils Sing
    As Memories Torment My Dreams

    12 years ago
    1 0
  • Hush-a-bye darling, you've nothing to fear
    just the night gone dark and all your nightmares

    13 years ago
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  • My darling love, my baby
    i need you, please come save me.
    you need no cape, you need no tights
    just say three words and set things right

    13 years ago
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  • I swore i wouldn't cry for you if you decided to leave.
    now you're back but still the same, and tears run constantly.

    13 years ago
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  • Thought i did what's right, thought i followed code
    you asked me what was wrong, and finally the truth is what i told
    but that's not what you wanted, you wanted one more lie
    like all the ones i told before, about how "i'm alright"

    13 years ago
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