iF yOu sTiLl Want tO tRy...
HAve You EvEr HAd thIs FeElINg
tHAt WoulDnT Go AWAy...
I smile to hide the pain bc i just want u to be...
it hurts me to know that u dont care about me...
A bESt fRiEnd WouLd leT yOu DAnCe wiTh a boY...
bUT a TrU FrIEnd WoUld YElL bOy bAc uP She MiNE...
The Truth About Girls...
- never ever tell a girl she looks tired...
What do you do...
what do you do when your world is jus fallin...
THere WaS tHIs NErDy gIrL && She Ask oUt...
A YEAr lAtEr tHIs gIRl WAs BEAutIFuL noW...
Ive been loved ive been left
ive been wrong by the best...
DO yOu eVer wOnDer hOw iM dOiNg? do i eVeR cRoSS...
The truth is you could rip out my heart,throw it...
We didn't care what people thought
we didn't care if they knew...
I only dream of bein the one
because what we have become...