One day, you'll realize that the fairytale might be slightly different then you dreamed.. |
Just knowing, that he's there for me, makes me feel like I have everything that I need in my life. |
The worst thing about dreaming about him is waking up.. |
I suppose that since, most of our hurts come through relationships, so will our healing |
ILovedHim..God..HowILovedHim..ItWasn'tLoveOfCourse..EvenICanSeeNowThatItWasInfatuation..ButAtTheTime..ItDamnNearlyKilledMe.. |
You'll never know how strong you are.. |
He was her weakness && she was tired of always giving in. |
Do you ever put your arms out && just spin && spin && spin?? |
There'sABigWorldOutThere. |
Damaged people are dangerous.. |