I'm fading into a color that holds no symbol,
when You-a figurative artist look for signs...
Proudly ineffective;
worn like a stitch of old wool...
I tired the hours wandering
nearby saddened forests...
You are a complex of irregular emotions
trying to define yourself...
I'm unequal in balance, unequal for logic,
such a modern cut of seasons...
I may wear a yellow dress
to laugh at the mad waves...
It's a misplaced memory, a sick passion that
seeks the highest mountains to rupture at...
I love you, except that everything
I fall in love with is a fantasy...
I feel like a sad yellow,
that's dressing the moon...
My silence is too complicated;
my language is a difficult mess...
If I could be an arrogant wave
to wash your face off my way...
Captured by the sunsets falling behind
hills of your supreme eyes, I sink in the...