Poems by Skinny12004

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  • ? (1)

    Did you ever love me did you ever care
    Or is only good to love me when we are near...

  • A blank piece of paper sitting on the desk
    A blank stare because it is juss a test...

  • Abuse (2)

    You say you love
    Yet you punch me...

  • Won't you be mines
    Give me some of your time...

  • Your more then my friend
    I talk to you every day,it's like our conversation...

  • 9-17-04
    Why must I question myself on what I want...

  • Say good bye
    Sad but I won't cry...

  • I still like you
    But not like I used to...

  • A gun shot to the head
    Blood everywhere your dead...

  • What could all this be?
    You’re the one who approached me...

  • Your a different beat to my drum
    The other beats were just for fun...

  • If I'm not pretty and wear a size 2
    Does that make me different from you...