I've seen the back of your head
enough to know the shape of someone...
I liked to blame others
Because we aren't supposed to be the villain in...
I've been casting around the past to try and...
And why it took me so many years to offer others...
It feels like I've never gotten what I wanted.
Or more like I never will again...
Nothing I do right now means anything to me
Or to anyone else, for that matter...
I never meant to die so bitter
But it looks like I'm going to...
It never quite feels like Christmas anymore;
Cynicism curb stomped the hell out of my hopes...
Abuse is quiet.
It's a quiet thing...
Suddenly, life.
Suddenly, trying to find a way to pass the time...
There's only so many ways you can say that lonely...
But I get it...
I'll never be this happy again,
I'll never be this free...
Some people are power washers.
Some people are chainsaws...